I'm so tired. it's meeting after meeting, court case upon case, heartbreak just piling up. I find myself staring at him through the corner of my eye wondering who this man is. I feel myself bouncing from memory to reality and really just wishing memory was enough to carry me through. I remember all of those times we laughed; all of the times it was just him and I against the world. And that was enough. I remember words...words dripping from his pen, his fingertips; love letters that were all I ever needed to read to believe in fairy tales. I read these letters now, just once and I see beyond the ink, beyond the words and I see the truth; oh how I hate the truth sometimes.
everyone keeps asking me what I want. Lawyers, mediators, him.... I always say I want what's right for my son. it's all about my son because if I could say what I really want, I'd say... I want to be able to look at him and believe again. I want to look at him and not be so hurt by his lack of devotion to my son, to our past, to me. I want to be able to sleep again with out tossing and turning and waking time and time again from nightmares. I want to be able to walk down the street with out looking over my shoulder. I want to see blue skies and sunshine instead of the cloud he has cast over my life. I want to feel safe and loved. I want to trust someone, anyone! I want peace. I want to let go and move on. I want to heal. I want to forget.
I want the other shoe to drop, it has to drop! I can't keep sitting here clawing my freckles off, tearing my heart out wondering when this is going to end. I can't keep bottling these tears in; I'm drowning in them! I can't keep pretending I'm not devastated by this. I feel like I'm choking on all the words I never said and never will. I'm suffocating on all his lies... I'm suffocating, I'm suffocating, I'm suffocating...It has to drop; it has to stop...
Before I am consumed by an emotion I've never allowed myself to really feel ;